This week-end took place the Tour du lac Léman where two Quattro competed. 160km without assistance and without outside help were on the program this Saturday, October 28th. The weather conditions were very difficult. Indeed, the announced wind was actually much more intense and persistent than expected creating waves with one-meter hollows.

11 boats out of 19 had to give up because of the state of the lake and the water filling their boat. To keep up with the waves entering the boat, some boats were equipped with small pumps to evacuate the water.

Barnabé Delarze and the Swiss team had to give up after 60km when they were in the lead.

The SC THUN / RC HALLWILERSEE women’s team with the second Quattro won the women’s team in 17.51. Congratulations!

Too bad the Swiss team could not use our new LiteQuattro OpenWater! They would have been more likely to win the race … maybe next year !!

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