As we always say: safety is key !

Even if you are experimented, the weather is clear, all conditions are good to row, you must be prepared for your trip, just in case. The more you anticipate, the more you will row with free mind.

Find bellow our advice for a safe row adventure. For this, identify and understand the risks, and identify how to minimize them and what to do if there is an incident.

Adjust your trip depending on the weather

It is important to understand what the weather will be all along your trip on the water. You must be capable of rowing safely even in unexpected weather conditions. You must consider as much as possible the wind condition (speed and strength, direction…), the temperature, the visibility… Always travel with few accessories: sunglasses, windbreaker jacket, cap, technical clothes to keep your body warm and dry and a waterproof bag for all your changing clothes.

Check the traffic on the water

You must be vigilant when you are on the water, regularly looking over your shoulder, so you know what is ahead. Check if there are any strong currents or if they will be changing. Make sure that you are able to get back to the shore safely if an incident occurs. Take extra care when there are many people on the water. Maybe you are experimented but other people may be less. Check also your area, maybe there are some rocks, some sand banks, shallow waters, or restricted zones.

Emergency packing list: buoyancy aid, tow lines in case you damage your boat. Have a first aid kit available to deal with minor injuries.

Make sure you are in good physical condition

Rowing requires a degree of suppleness which may take some time to acquire. Boat speed is highly dependent on balance and a smooth rowing movement: if you are starting, focus on learning balance and technique rather than power. Don’t be too ambitious, tiredness can quickly catch up with you. Carry water so you can keep hydrated. You can take some food too like fruits, protein bars, because rowing is burning calories and you must have enough energy to come back.

If you are rowing in cold conditions, when you come off the water, the first thing you should do after making sure the boat is in a safe place, is to wrap up warm to maintain your core temperature. If you are wet, change into dry clothes. Avoid your core temperature dropping, which can happen quickly, especially in a cold wind. Protect yourself from the sun with sun lotion, lip balm, sun glasses and suitable clothing and headwear – it is too easy to become sunburned if you are on the water for some time.

And your boat too…

There are some checks to do before putting your boat on the water. Check the hull and deck, all fittings and your settings. Verify that the storage hatch and barton bung are closed, and buoyancy aid on board.

Tips : Develop a routine to double check everything before you row, especially if you are in a rush or tired, when you are more likely to make mistakes.

Most important about a safe trip is to inform your friends or family. Before you go, make sure that some people know where you are, when you start and when you should finish. In case of any trouble causing that you can’t inform anyone or your phone isn’t receiving a signal, your friends or family can react as quick as possible.

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