Comment choisir son bateau d'aviron de loisir solo ? Comparaison entre le X Row et le LiteSport 5.0.
Rowing in Paleros resort, Greece - Liteboat X Mark Warner
LiteSport 4.6 and 5.0 - Recreational solo rowing boats for everyone
Leisure winter rowing in the Alps - LiteSport 4.6 and 5.0 recreational rowing boats
LiteSport 5.0 : un bateau d'aviron de loisir accessible à tous, et sur tout plan d'eau
Leisure rowing in paradise: enjoying turquoise waters of Geneva lake on a LiteSport 5.0
LiteQuattro Open Water : un bateau d'aviron innovant et versatile, entre yolette et quatre barré.
LiteQuattro Open Water in Denmark
First 4 LiteQuattro in Australia - Perfect rowing boat for learning, touring & racing!
LiteQuattro Open Water - Boat presentation
Litequattro rudder installation
Hanna taming her new LiteRace 1X in Finland
LiteRace 1X in Holland
Coastal Rowing in Brittany with LiteRace 1X & 2X
LiteRace 1X vs LiteRace 2X - Coastal rowing boat race by Liteboat
Premier stage Liteboat d'aviron de mer - Sainte Maxime
First Liteboat rowing camp in Barneville-Carteret - 3 to 7 april 2017
Go coastal on LiteRace 2X in Sarasota
Coastal Rowing in Brittany with LiteRace 1X & 2X
LiteRace 1X vs LiteRace 2X - Coastal rowing boat race by Liteboat
Premier stage Liteboat d'aviron de mer - Sainte Maxime
First Liteboat rowing camp in Barneville-Carteret - 3 to 7 april 2017
LiteRace 1X & LiteRace 2X
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Row & sail your next adventure : new LiteXP 16 by Liteboat
Une micro-aventure en Bourgogne, en voile aviron avec le XP16
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Owner feedback on the XP20
Race To Alaska 2018 - Voile aviron - Team Liteboat en LiteXP 20
Die Firma
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Liteboat XP days : découvrir le concept de voile-aviron avec le XP16 & XP20
Owner feedback on the XP20
Start rowing at 73 years old - David's testimonial
Learn rowing on vacations - A rowing coach perspective
Rowing in Paleros resort, Greece - Liteboat X Mark Warner
Leisure rowing in paradise: enjoying turquoise waters of Geneva lake on a LiteSport 5.0
Rowing around the island of Vega - Liteboat Norway